All the News
May 11,
Added a page with web statistics based on
the free NEDSTAT counter.
This is not just a counter, but a complete set of web statistics
including, e.d.:
the date and
countries of origin of all callers
distribution over the day and week
operating system and browser used by the callers
and more
You'll find
the statistics under the
Miscellaneous Page
or via
this direct
April 25, 2005
Renewed the Introduction
page and repaired some broken links. Added a link to
Milehigh Productions. April 2, 2005
In the weekend of April 16 and 17, 2005 the next Dutch
Flight Simulator Weekend has been organized at the National Aviation Theme
Park Aviodrome at Lelystad Airport. This years theme
Aircraft, Panels, Repaints, Scenery etc.
FS History
and The Old FS Vault
was there
too! With new videos about the development of
Flight Simulator over the past 25 years, new posters of most old
versions and the possibility to (try to) play many of the old versions on
a current Pentium. We met many interested people and had a swell weekend.
If you want to know more about previous Dutch Flight
Simulator Events, please visit the pages about
Flight Simulator History in
The Netherlands. With reports of all previous events (starting ca.
1990!) and
participating organizations (FSFAN, DFSO, FSGG, ...) and persons. Most pages in Dutch, but
the pictures speak all languages. Some pages (e.g. about FSFAN) in English.
March 30, 2005
Small facelift, including
a new logo at the top and a few textual corrections and additions. Renewed
the first FlipAlbum on the
page, containing the covers of (lamost) all versions of FS, from FS1
(subLOGIC, 1980) for the Apple II to FS2004 (Microsoft, 2003).
February 20, 2005
Correction of the birth year
of Flight Simulator. From old information I was (mis)lead
to believe that the first release of FS1 for the Apple II was
in October 1979. However all evidence now point to January
1980 for that first release. Followed by the release of a
similar version for the TRS-80 in March 1980. So
until I receive real proof otherwise I will use 1980 as the birth year of FS. I felt like I owed you an apology!
Here it is!
February 9, 2005 Update of the
Wanted List
and Reactions Pages.
November 25,
Start of a big upgrade of the whole website. Also read the
introductory page.
The timeline has been refined again. And work is underway for a rewrite of
the central "Story". For a preview see the copy of the
first chapter of
the Good Flight Simmer's Guide 2002 (click on the picture to the right).
For the visually oriented people some
visual history is added in the form of a first concept of a video about
the development of Flight Simulator (in cooperation with Josef Havlik and
Marcus Thompson. Follow the link below. And a copy of the poster
session made for the latest Dutch FS weekend in the Aviodrome in
October 2004. You will probably need
a high speed connection for the 75 Mb movie.
The next addition is a response to
popular demand. It is a companion website
with downloads of the early versions to let the old times revive
and indulge in your nostalgia. Including emulators for the respective
microcomputers or the early PC as most of us now "only"
have high end Pentiums with Windows XP, that doesn't like old
MS-DOS programs any more. Still under construction but for a preview, look here:
Finally I made some necessary changes in
the text of many pages to reflect the current status of development, if
only to give due credit to the new contributors of the last year. Thanks
to all of you.
December 13, 2003
A complete revision of the
Timeline, introducing the concept of
"generations" as opposed to versions and adding information about the new
version/generation FS2004 (FS9). Rumour has it that this might be the last
version by Microsoft. So much for a Legend!
20, 2003
I started this website in
October 2001, with only the bare backbone in place: the
Timeline, a first draft of the central Story and a few
additional pages about the early versions.I expected to update the
website substantially in the next few months, but things
went their own way.
In the meantime I did
update a few pages, that needed the update badly, like Wanted
and Credits sections and most important the Timeline,
where I added or corrected a lot of data. Next to be dealt
with will be the central Story.
I still hope to manage a
major update before the end of this year (2003).
So please come back.
12, 2002
First of all my best
wishes to all of you for this New Year. I suppose you made
some resolutions, well I made mine. It's been a while since
I first started this website and it's time I kept my
promises. I hereby announce a major update and expansion,
that should be ready by the end of this month. So please
come back in a few weeks time.
Part of the delay is due
to the fact that I accepted an invitation by Mike Clark to
write a chapter about FS History for his "Good
Flight Simmer's Guide", published by TecPilot. This
chapter in essence is an improved version of the central
"Story" of this website. The same material will be
the basis for a renewed version of the "Story".
The GFSG of course
contains much more interesting stuff for the serious flight
simmer. For more information click on the picture in
the right sidebar.
In the meantime I updated
a few pages, that needed the update badly: like the Wanted
and Credits sections, but most important the
where I added a lot of data and corrected some others. Next
will be the central Story.
12, 2001
Added a page about FS II,
the alternate Flight Simulator scene, supported by SubLOGIC
alone. With comparable versions for the Apple II, Atari 800,
Commodore 64, and later again for the Atari ST, Commodore
Amiga, Apple MacIntosh e.a. Made some small changes to other
pages. If you find mistakes, please let me know.
11, 2001
Added the first new page
about the early FS1 for the Apple II and TRS-80. Added the
page about the first versions 1 and 2 of Microsoft-FS
(1982-87). Made some changes to other pages, especially to
the "Wanted" page. Go and see how you can help.
Still struggling with the
PC emulation, needed to make screen grabs of version 1.xx
and 2.xx of Microsoft Flight Simulator (1982-1986). If
anybody has a working image of version 1.05 and/or a good
functioning emulation of the PCJr under Windows 98, I would
very much appreciate to receive a copy.
October 1,
As this is the first
release of this website, everything is (old) news. Old news,
because anything on this website has already been present
somewhere else.
The only thing I did was to sweep it all up and try to
present it in a comprehensive, but pleasant way.
I hope you like it, even
as this website isn't yet by any means complete. But I will
keep working on it until it is as complete as possible. So
keep coming back and first look in this corner what has been
added or changed since your last visit.
Have fun, your
webmaster, Jos G.
